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Renovation Class Project | Update Report One

renovation class project

Bernadette Janson reports on the progress of our Renovation Class Project. Bernadette describes this as part of her Martin Luther King ‘dream’…

Renovation Class Project – Funding and Legal Structure

We now have all the money deposited to the bank account from all the Class Project participants. Class project participants are all co-investors for the home renovation and will be active participants to observe and learn from all the moving parts.

Documentation for Shareholder Agreements

We have now commenced finalising the paperwork with My Property Circles. Relevant documents have been submitted to complete the shareholder agreement. This sets up a clear legal structure and protection for all participants and will allow the payout of capital and profits equitably when appropriate.

Property Inspection For the Renovation Class Project Team

The next thing is we needed to organise was an inspection of our Freyberg St property. After some negotiation with the real estate agent, we were able to increase a 30-minute access time to two hours. But now Sydney city has gone into a precautionary lockdown which affects some of the Class Project participants.

That means Stephen and Bernadette will be in lockdown so it’s highly unlikely they will be able to go to the inspection. We’ll need to roll with the punches as COVID is a way of life these days. So, we are expecting the inspection will go ahead.

Renovation Class Project participant and local-to-the-area TSOR student Kerry Mills is on the ground there so will be able to represent the team.

Making Contact With Builders and Trades

This week we will contact the builders, getting them lined up for the project, so it will be business as usual.

Accurate Measurements Needed – During Lockdown!?

David, our architect is in lockdown as well so he’s not going to be too happy because he likes to do his own measuring. We will need to find a solution with him for how we’re going to do that.

Landscape Renovation Options

renovation class project

Some of the Class Project group have teamed up to form the landscaping team. They will get together in the next week and start formulating their ideas about what they’re going to do for the exterior of the house.

Transforming the front and back gardens and home entrance, and upgrading the street appeal will ensure we achieve the best possible selling price and maximise the profit for the Class Project participants. Listen to and read about Upgrading Street Appeal here…

Pinterest Mood Boards For Creative Sharing

We’ll also be organising a Pinterest board so we can start pulling together some materials and creative ideas for the mood boards.

It’s really important we get a sense of the look and feel we’re going for at an early stage in the project. So, we can start sourcing materials and tiles and making some decisions as part of our renovation plans.

We are excited about how this renovation project is evolving for all of the team and for our wider community for The School of Renovating.

Stay tuned for our next Class Project update.


Picture of Bernadette Janson

Bernadette Janson

"My own passion for renovating has helped me build a marriage, a family, friendships and a successful business. I created The School of Renovating to share the power of this career."

Bernadette has over 30 years of experience in the renovating for profit business. She’s a registered nurse, a renovator, a mum, and a teacher.

Learn how to harness your obsession for renovating to transform your life

You will get a FREE “Wonder Women” Magazine that will show you the road map to financial independence a-la-renovating.

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Hear From Our Renovators

I just wanted to touch base and say how incredibly thankful I am that I signed up for your course! I have learned so much since beginning the course! … Your course has well and truly paid for itself and that’s only one year of premiums, not to mention how much we will save knowing what we didn’t know previously when we take on our next project. (We are) feeling empowered by the knowledge we have now! So thank you a million times over!


Lyndall Hinton

Hi Bernadette Just wanted to say a big thank you for today. I learned so much and really appreciated all of your advice and insights. You are certainly very inspiring! You’ve given me the confidence to start thinking of my project!


Jenna Bradwell

Been through the Bootcamp, Bernadette and Stephen are very caring, pragmatic, great at what they do, and financially savvy. Definitely not the infamous fluffy feel good type of seminar. Of course, these kind of works require lots of on the ground learning. However, having such an experienced and genuinely caring mentor provides lots of support and confidence to get projects up and going, and ultimately building wealth.


Trung Truong