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The Renovation Value Pyramid: What Renovations Are worth Doing

The Renovation Value Pyramid: What Renovations Are worth Doing

As a profitable renovator, you need to understand what renovations are worth doing to make your project an irresistible choice for potential buyers and avoid spending money that wont bring you a return.

It is important to understand that powerful transformation requires more thought than planning a new kitchen and lick of pain.

Our approach is more strategic and considered.

We designed the Renovation Value Pyramid to help  you navigate the planning process effectively.

This model ensures that you strategically address all the touch points so your renovations are profitable and impactful.

Inspired by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the Renovation Value Pyramid demonstrates what renovations are worth doing by outlining the essential elements of a renovation, prioritized to resonate with your target market.

By conducting thorough market research to understand your buyers’ needs,
you can apply this model to execute the right renovation for your property.

1. Street Appeal:

This element occupies the highest priority, as it is the first impression that entices potential buyers to explore your property further. A captivating exterior increases demand and draws interested parties through the front door.

2. Sentiment:

People buy properties based on emotion, and this aspect focuses on how your property makes your buyer feel. It’s crucial to address their needs and resolve any potential objections they may have, fostering a deep connection with the space.

3. Floor Plan and Flow:

A logical and effortless flow throughout the property is essential. Consider opportunities to increase the capacity or optimize the balance between bedrooms, bathrooms, living spaces, and laundry areas. However, be mindful of the execution costs and the potential return on investment

4. Condition or Newness:

Updating the property’s overall look and feel is imperative. Refresh the cosmetic elements to align with your market’s tastes, ensuring a fresh and appealing aesthetic.

5. Wow Factor:

 While occupying the smallest real estate in the value pyramid, this element can have a significant emotional impact on buyers. Strategically incorporating statement lighting, wall paneling, or other unique features can create a lasting impression and engage buyers on a deeper level.

By following the Renovation Value Pyramid, you can prioritize your efforts and allocate resources effectively, addressing the most critical aspects that resonate with your target buyers. Remember, the key to success lies in thorough market research and a deep understanding of your audience’s preferences.

So when you are working out what renovations are worth doing, embrace the Renovation Value Pyramid, and watch as your property becomes an irresistible choice in the eyes of potential buyers.


Unlock More Profitable Renovation Secrets! Delve deeper into the world of renovating for profit, and consider taking our home renovation courses now!


Picture of Bernadette Janson

Bernadette Janson

"My own passion for renovating has helped me build a marriage, a family, friendships and a successful business. I created The School of Renovating to share the power of this career."

Bernadette has over 30 years of experience in the renovating for profit business. She’s a registered nurse, a renovator, a mum, and a teacher.

Learn how to harness your obsession for renovating to transform your life

You will get a FREE “Wonder Women” Magazine that will show you the road map to financial independence a-la-renovating.

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I just wanted to touch base and say how incredibly thankful I am that I signed up for your course! I have learned so much since beginning the course! … Your course has well and truly paid for itself and that’s only one year of premiums, not to mention how much we will save knowing what we didn’t know previously when we take on our next project. (We are) feeling empowered by the knowledge we have now! So thank you a million times over!


Lyndall Hinton

Hi Bernadette Just wanted to say a big thank you for today. I learned so much and really appreciated all of your advice and insights. You are certainly very inspiring! You’ve given me the confidence to start thinking of my project!


Jenna Bradwell

Been through the Bootcamp, Bernadette and Stephen are very caring, pragmatic, great at what they do, and financially savvy. Definitely not the infamous fluffy feel good type of seminar. Of course, these kind of works require lots of on the ground learning. However, having such an experienced and genuinely caring mentor provides lots of support and confidence to get projects up and going, and ultimately building wealth.


Trung Truong