Bernadette Janson Asks: How Can Renovating Solve Your Problems With Money?
Make money renovating! Learn how to turn your hobby into a profitable home renovation business with a solid strategy and professional advice.
Make money renovating! Learn how to turn your hobby into a profitable home renovation business with a solid strategy and professional advice.
Discover the top 3 mistakes women make in renovation: buying unprofitable properties, treating renovating as a hobby, and lacking a professional team. Avoid these pitfalls for success.
Learn how to replace income with renovation. Discover the steps to build a profitable home renovation business and achieve financial freedom.
Learn how to transition from DIY to a structured renovation business for maximum profit. Discover why stopping DIY boosts your renovation success.
Discover the hidden benefits of a joint venture renovation. Learn how to pick the right partner, define roles, create a legal structure, and build your reno profit machine with insights from Wonder Women Renovators.
The School of Renovating is a finalist in the 2021 Bx Business xCellence Awards, celebrating success in empowering women through renovation programs. #BusinessxCellenceAwards
Learn how to build a property portfolio with Bernadette Janson’s tips for women renovators. Avoid common mistakes and plan for long-term success.
Renovating for profit creates a rewarding sense of achievement. Learn how to make smart investments and build your reno profit machine.
The School Of Renovating is a finalist for the Small Business Champions Awards, recognizing their efforts in empowering women through renovation programs.
The School of Renovating is a finalist for the 2021 AusMumpreneur Awards in the Business Pivot category. Learn about our successful shift to online renovation training during the pandemic.
KOCO empowers women in South India by providing smartphones to overcome Covid lockdowns, enabling remote work and rebuilding their community and self-esteem.
Join our live renovation planning session with architect David Janson as he guides our Class Project team through reconfiguring floor plans for maximum value.
Make money renovating! Learn how to turn your hobby into a profitable home renovation business with a solid strategy and professional advice.
Discover the top 3 mistakes women make in renovation: buying unprofitable properties, treating renovating as a hobby, and lacking a professional team. Avoid these pitfalls for success.
Learn how to replace income with renovation. Discover the steps to build a profitable home renovation business and achieve financial freedom.
Learn how to transition from DIY to a structured renovation business for maximum profit. Discover why stopping DIY boosts your renovation success.
Discover the hidden benefits of a joint venture renovation. Learn how to pick the right partner, define roles, create a legal structure, and build your reno profit machine with insights from Wonder Women Renovators.
The School of Renovating is a finalist in the 2021 Bx Business xCellence Awards, celebrating success in empowering women through renovation programs. #BusinessxCellenceAwards
Learn how to build a property portfolio with Bernadette Janson’s tips for women renovators. Avoid common mistakes and plan for long-term success.
Renovating for profit creates a rewarding sense of achievement. Learn how to make smart investments and build your reno profit machine.
The School Of Renovating is a finalist for the Small Business Champions Awards, recognizing their efforts in empowering women through renovation programs.
The School of Renovating is a finalist for the 2021 AusMumpreneur Awards in the Business Pivot category. Learn about our successful shift to online renovation training during the pandemic.
KOCO empowers women in South India by providing smartphones to overcome Covid lockdowns, enabling remote work and rebuilding their community and self-esteem.
Join our live renovation planning session with architect David Janson as he guides our Class Project team through reconfiguring floor plans for maximum value.
Phone: (02) 6724 6216
Helping You Profit From Your Passion For Beautiful Homes… FAST
Understanding and making the most of a property’s potential is more than a fun hobby, it has the power to save you from worry about retirement, replace a job that underwhelms you, help your kids get their start in life, let you splurge on the people you care about and do good in the world.
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